Le Brexit : un défi pour les sciences sociales, un tournant pour l’Union Européenne

Le Brexit : un défi pour les sciences sociales, un tournant pour l’Union Européenne

Le Brexit : un défi pour les sciences sociales, un tournant pour l’Union Européenne

Le Brexit : un défi pour les sciences sociales, un tournant pour l’Union Européenne

Present and future of globalization ! Seven features derived from régulation theory

Paper prepared for the « Forum de la régulation« ,
La théorie de la régulation à l’épreuve des crises, Paris 10-12 juin 2015

A Financeirização da Economia Brasileira: Entrevista com Robert Boyer

Interview made com Robert Boyer, CNRS, pelos Lena Lavinas professores do, da UFRJ, e Miguel Bruno da UERJ, no. seminario “O Desenvolvimento No. Século XXI”., Octobre 2016

Le Brexit : un défi pour les sciences sociales, un tournant pour l’Union Européenne

Présentation Powerpoint lors d’un séminaire à la Maison Franco-Japonaise, Tokyo (Japon), 19 septembre 2016


Growth, Employment and Equality: The new role of the State

In : Neostructuralism and heterodox thinking in Latin America and the Caribbean in the early twenty-first century, eds, Alicia Bárcena Antonio Prado, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Santiago, May 2016, Chap. , p. 273-297.


Qu’est-ce qu’une crise financière ?

arton5017-d968c1in manual of critical economics, world diplomatic, Special Edition, 2016, p. 166-167.

Toulouse – 15 September 2016

Presentation of the “Manual of critical economy.”

On Thursday, September 15, at 20 h 30, room of the Seneschal, presentation of the “Handbook of critical economy” with Renaud Lambert and Hélène Richard.

By signing the failure of liberal theories, the financial meltdown of 2008 could encourage Western Governments to renew their economic policies. She has instead tightened the shackles of neoclassical economics, in the morning Chronicles as in textbooks.
The contre-manuel of the diplomatic world intends to reverse this logic. His ambition? Make it accessible to the larger economy and highlight the nature policy. In short, remember that, as the public thing, the economy is everyone’s business. And allow everyone to seize through four objectives:

  • provide a historical and international lighting often forgotten;
  • introduce the analysis of schools of thought marginalized in universities and private access to the media;
  • debunk conventional wisdom that install the fatalism in the minds;
  • clear the horizon by recalling that other avenues open to us.

Renaud Lambert and Hélène Richard are members of the editorial staff of the diplomatic world they both coordinated the realization of the critical economy manual.

The diplomatic world is tackling misconceptions about free trade, finance, the sharing of wealth, etc.

Mechanisms within the reach of all

From the economy first and senior programs

Critical economy manual

 In detail

Inscrutable equations, enigmatic curves, nebulous reasoning… The dominant economy invites to a double renunciation: in front of the technical difficulties of a universe that is reserved for the experts, on the one hand; front of the immutable scientific “laws”, on the other. The contre-manuel of the ‘diplomatic world’ intends to reverse this logic. His ambition? Make it accessible to the larger economy and highlight the nature policy. In short, remember that, as the public thing, the economy is everyone’s business. And allow everyone to seize.

There is urgency: by signing the failure of liberal theories, the financial meltdown of 2008 could encourage Western Governments to renew their economic policies. She has instead tightened the shackles of neoclassical economics, in the morning Chronicles as in textbooks.

We have therefore gathered some of the specialists of the most lucid economy – researchers, teachers of University and high school students, journalists – around first and senior programs to offer ‘our’ treatment. Around four objectives: contribute a historical and international perspective often forgotten programs; introduce the analysis of schools of thought marginalized in universities and private access to the media; debunk conventional wisdom that install the fatalism in the minds; clear the horizon by recalling that other avenues open to us.

Away from the dogmas, our manual invites to put the economy at the service of society.

Read “the economy as never explained you it” by Renaud Lambert and Hélène Richard in ‘Le Monde diplomatic’ September 2016

Contributed to this manual:

Samir Amin, Guillaume Barou, Aurélien Bernier, Sophie Bedford, John Bertrand, Robert Boyer, Benoit Bréville, Martine Boston, Mona Chollet, Laurent Shoemaker, François Denord, Xavier Devetter, Cedric Durand, Frédéric Farah, Cyrille Freeman, Jean Gadrey, Paul Guillibert, Serge Halimi, Michel Husson, Sabina Issehnane, Raoul Marc Jennar, Renaud Lambert, Serge Latouche, Frédéric Lebaron, Sylvain Leder, Frédéric Lemaire, Frédéric Lordon, Jean-Marie Monnier, Caroline Oudin-Bastide, Juan Miguel Pérez , Evelyne Pieiller, Michel clip and Monique Pinçon-Charlot, Dominique Plihon, Laura Raim, Christophe Ramaux, Gilles Raveaud, Mathias Reymond, Hélène Richard, Pierre Rimbert, François Ruffin, Pierre Salama, Emilie Sauguet, Alexis Spire, Philippe Steiner, Tinel Bruno, Julie Valentin, Julien Vercueil, Ibrahim Warde, Arnaud Zacharie, Daniel Zamora.

Especially in the summary:

  • Public debt, does cost?
  • Schools of economic thought
  • How the credit card was invented
  • Flexible working, the impasse
  • Where free trade agreements?
  • What does a financial crisis?
  • With the onslaught of the state charity
  • These wars at the service of trade
  • Basic income, a utopia?

Available on newsstands September 8, 2016
-Format: 21 cm X 28.5 cm
-Number of pages: 196
-Delivery within 3 weeks

List of chapters:

I. a science like the others?

II. Produce more, always more!

III. The bridge and the hold

IV. Sharing the wealth: hopes and dead ends

V. employment, at what price?

VI. The market or the construction of a no-brainer

VII. Globalization: the competition of peoples

VIII. Currency, an Enigma ringing and stumbling

IX. Debt: the blackmail

X. Finance: the unsustainable promise

Economy and global governance

9782707190987[1]In Bertrand Badie and Dominique Vidal (under management), who rules the world? The State of the world 2017, Editions La discovery Paris, pp. 69-85, September 2016.

Japan: the frugal production to an anthropogenetique plan (the)


In Anne Paugam, Teresa Ribera, Laurence Tubiana, Rajendra Kumar Pachauri (ed), looks on Earth 2015, build a sustainable world, Armand Colin, Paris, April 2015, p. 253-265.

J’aimerais écrire une histoire sociale de la macroéconomie

Robert Boyer : parcours d’un économiste atypique, Entretien, L’économie Politique, n° 64, Octobre 2014, p. 36-47.

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