The political economy of capitalism. Theory of regulation and crisis
Great reference manual, the discovery, Paris, October 2015
Why was the growth of the post-war regime jammed? How to explain that financial innovations have first accelerated growth and developed into a major crisis? The euro was supposed to unify the old continent, widening a North-South divide?
The regulation theory answers these questions. At its inception in the 1970s, she borrowed from Marx the analysis of the dynamics of capitalism, the Annales school the need for a layout long historical perspective to the post-Keynesian macroeconomic tools. Since then, she continued to rework its concepts, its methods, and to extend its scope. Today, under the founding assumption of the role of institutions and their architecture, it is a political economy that explains stabilized growth plans and their crises, with special attention to the articulation of the economic and the political.
This book outlines the central concepts of the theory of control by placing over Orthodox theories, but also to the various heterodox alternatives. This manual of political economy, without equivalent, synthesizes several decades of work of an international network of researchers.