Mundos Prospettive (los): an analysis from the theory of regulation y una respuesta has Thomas Piketty


October, Buenos Aires, editorial 2014.

Prefacio: Julio C. Neffa y Demian Panigo,.

Translation: Irene Bush, Patricia Bush y Julio C. Neffa.


The Prospettive are el tema of the hora. Parece haber dejado ser algo as solo sizing has sociologos y cientistas politicians, are recent tiempos irrumpio in el gran stage of the very facts relevant mano: el discurso Barack Obama sober the State of the Union in 2013; conferencia pronunciada in October of 2014 Janet Yellen, presidenta del Sistema of the Federal Reserva por; y the aparición del libro of Thomas Piketty, El capital in el siglo XXI, are courting in a best seller a nivel mundial.

Para Robert Boyer, perhaps el main animator of the escuela of the regulación, el enfoque Piketty're extremadamente rico pero esta lejos ser mounted. Y Los mundos the Prospettive demuestra that is has the altura del análisis largo plazo than does historical No. obvious that ese generico mechanism explains the config of las economias basadas in a commitment industrialista y, finalmente, than the respond that offers no. realista.

Segun el autor, the cuestion of las desigualdades debe starting from especificidad del contexto nacional in a historical period. Y por lo tanto abre an espacio para accion politica, creative development contrastados moderators. A spite of the mundializacion y una interdependencia growing las economias national, lo Boyer our viene a decir that are the profundizacion of las desigualdades why ser has no an ineludible destino.

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