in Des sciences sociales à LA science sociale. Fondements anti-utilitaristes, Sous la direction de Alain Caillé, Philippe Chanial, Stéphane Dufoix et Frédéric Vandenberghe, 2018, Editions le bord de l’eau, Chap. III, p. 65-81
At a time when the quarrel rages between sociologists in France, as there is a year between economists, it is urgent to recall that the word “sociology” has long been used to refer to social science in general (including economics and political philosophy). as well as anthropology, history or geography) and that it is too important a thing to entrust to sociologists alone. It is the business of all social scientists. Alongside the specialized social sciences, it is a generalist social science, the only one capable of thinking of the world in all its complexity, that we must now make happen and institute. A social science that is also urgent to found once again on a non-utilitarian basis and in a resolute openness to all sociologies and all the social sciences of the whole world, and not only to those who come from ‘West. Replaced in this more general setting, most chapel quarrels resolve themselves. For the greater good of a shared desire to know. That such an objective is accessible is what the variety and quality of the authors gathered here, anthropologists, economists, geographers, historians, philosophers and sociologists testify to.
Presentation powerpoint at the Seminar “Planning and Long-Term Perspective in Economics”, INALCO, Paris, April 6th, 2018
Presentation to Colloque «Gouvernement, Participation et Mission de l’entreprise», Collège des Bernardins, Paris, 16 mars 2018
Robert Boyer : parcours d’un économiste atypique, Entretien, L’économie Politique, n° 64, Octobre 2014, p. 36-47.