L’hypothèse d’une prochaine convergence des capitalismes et des régimes de croissance est improbable

Le Nouvel Etat du Monde : 80 idées-forces pour entrer dans le 21e siècle, La Découverte, Paris, 1999, p. 98-100.

State and Market: towards a new synthesis for the twenty-first

in World Social Science Report 1999, Unesco Publishing/Elsevier, Paris, p. 268-277.

Will Japanese and French « Exceptionalisms » Vanish ? The Convergence Hypothesis Reconsidered

in François Huchet, Thierry Ribault (Eds)

Japanese Management in the Low Growth Era. Between External Shocks and Internal Evolution, Springer-verlag, Berlin, 1999, p. 411-424.


Por qué el empleo difiere en el transcurso del tiempo y entre paises ? Una respuesta institucional a la luz de la teoria de la regulacion

dans Jérôme Gautié, Julio César Neffa (comps.)

Desempleo politicas de empleo en Europa y Estados Unidos, Editorial UMEN/HVMANTAS, Buenos Aires, 1999, 181-216

Rewriting the Future. Profit Startegies, Forms of Internationalisation and New Spaces in the Automobile Industry

en collaboration avec Michel Freyssenet,

in Andrea Eckardt, Holm-Detlev Köhler, Ludger Pries (Hg.) Global Players in Lokalen Bindungen. Unternesglobalisierung in Soziologischer Perspektive, Edition sigma/bohn verlag, Berlin, 1999,  p. 81-133.

Hybridization and Models of Production : Geography, History, and Theory

in Robert Boyer, Elsie Charron, Ulrich Jürgens, and Steven Tolliday (Eds)

Between Imitation and Innovation, Oxford University Press, 1998, p. 23-56.

Introduction : The transfer an Hybridization of Productive Models in the International Automobile Industry

With Elsie Charron, Ulrich Jürgens, and Steven Tolliday,

in Robert Boyer, Elsie Charron, Ulrich Jürgens, and Steven Tolliday (Eds) Between Imitation and Innovation, Oxford University Press, 1998, p. 1-20.

Conclusion : Transplants, Hybridization and Globalization : What lessons for the Future ?

with Elsie Charron, Ulrich Jürgens, and Steven Tolliday,

in Robert Boyer, Elsie Charron, Ulrich Jürgens, and Steven Tolliday (Eds) Between Imitation and Innovation, Oxford University Press, 1998, p. 1-20.

Les dix paradoxes du capitalisme

Dans Gérard Vindt,

500 ans de capitalisme, éditions Mille et une nuits, Paris, 1998, p.120-127.

The Changing Status of Industrial Relations in a More Interdependent World : An interpretation and Agenda for further Research

In Ton Wilthagen Ed.

Advancing Theory in Labour Law and Industrial Relations in a Global Context, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1998, p. 35-65.


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