The collapse of finance but still weak labour


Socio-Economic Review, Labour and the global financial crisis, discussion Forum II, Vol. 8, n°2 April 2010, p. 5-11.

Habrá una tercera burbuja que provocará una crisis de consecuencias mayores

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Entrevista con Miguel Ángel Jiménez González, Investigación Económica, n°.272, abril-junio 2010, pp. 137-160, Revista de la Facultad de Economía UNAM, México.

Beyond ‘light touch’ regulation of finance

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with Jakob Vestergaard, DIIS Policy Brief, November 2009

The subprime crisis in historical perspective: A regulationist analysis

Political Economy Quarterly, vol. 46, n° 1, 2009, p.53-70.

Systemic Subprime Crisis: Plea for Social Control of Financial Innovations


Japan SPOTLIGHT, March/April, Japan Economic Foundation (JEF), 2009 p. 30-33.

Feu le régime d’accumulation tiré par la finance : La crise des subprimes en perspective historique

Revue de la régulation, n° 5, 1er Semestre 2009,

A finance led growth regime?


in Ismail Ertuk, Froud Julie, Johal Shudev, Lever Adam and karel Williams (eds) Financialisation at Work, Routledge, Abingdom, 2008, p. 175-190.

Assessing the impact of fair value upon financial crisis

Socio Economic Review, Vol. 5, n° 4, October 2007, p. 779-807

Vigorosa recuperacion…aunque incertidumbre sobre el Nuevo regimen de credimiento


dans Robert Boyer et Julio C. Neffa (eds), Salida de crisis y estrategias alternativas de desarollo. La experiencia argentina (avec Julio C. Neffa) (Dir.), Mino y Davila Madrid et Buenos Aires, 2007, p. 37-70.

From Shareholder Value to CEO Power: the Paradox of the 1990s

Competition & Change, vol. 9, n° 1, March 2005, p. 7-47.

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