Emergence of Chinese Welfare (the): Why? How? What Brand? A Driver for a New Regime?

BoyerSASEChineseWelfare27O62013 (15.6 MiB)

SASE Conférence « States in Crisis » Universita degli Studi di Milano, 27-29 June 2013

Network: « Asian Capitalism », Thursday, 27 June 2013


Succès et résilience de l’industrie allemande

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From the Lisbon agenda to the Lisbon treaty: national research system in the context of European integration and globalization


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Innovation et changement technique


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La croissance, début du siècle. De l’octet au gène




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The embedded innovation systems of Germany and Japan : Distinctive features and futures


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Institutional reforms for growth, employment and social cohesion : elements for a European and national agenda


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The New Knowledge Economy in Europe, A strategy for international competitiveness and social







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Europe’s system(s) of innovation


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La France, pas douée pour l’industrie ?

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Innovation et Croissance

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