El estado social a la luz de las investigaciones regulacionistas recientes

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La flexicurité danoise: quels enseignements pour la France?


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Promoting learning in the enterprise: the lessons of international

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OECD Thematic review on adult learning : United States

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The French Welfare: An institutional and historical analysis in European perspective

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The intricacies of life long learning

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Riscrivere il futuro. Strategie di profito, forme di internazionalizzazione e nuovi spazi nell’industria automobilistica

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Perspectives on the wage-labour nexus


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Perspectives on the wage-labour nexus?

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Entre Stabilité et flexibilité

Propos recueillis par Guillaume Duval, entretien avec Jean-Louis Beffa, Robert Boyer et Jean-Philippe Touffut), Alternatives Économiques, Hors série n° 43, 1er trimestre 2000, p. 54-56

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