The quest for theoretical foundations of Socio-economics: Epistemology, Methodology or Ontology?


Socio Economic Review, Vol. 6, n° 4, October 2008, p. 733-746.

Pierre Bourdieu, a Theorician of Change? The View from Régulation Theory


in The Institutions of the Market, Ebner Alexander and Nikolaus Beck, Oxford: Oxford University
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L’hétérogénéité des relations salariales contemporaines et ses conséquences

dans Michel Wieviorka (Dir.), Les sciences sociales en mutation, Editions Sciences Humaines/PUF, Paris, 2007, p. 465-475.

How do Institutions cohere and change?


In Geoffrey WOOD Ed., Institutions, Production, and Working Life, Oxford University Press, Oxford, Chap. 2, Septembre 2006, p. 13-61.

Innovation et changement technique


Dans Sylvie Mesure et Patrick Savidan, Dictionnaire
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L’économie des conventions 15 ans après. Un point de vue à partir de la théorie de la régulation


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How and why capitalisms differ

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Coherence, diversity and the evolution of capitalisms: The institutionalCoherence, diversity and the evolution of capitalisms: The institutional complementarity hypothesis

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Dialogue on ‘Institutional complementarity and political economy’

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Une théorie du capitalisme est-elle possible?




Odile Jacob, Paris, 2004.

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