Innovation et changement technique


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Employment and decent work in the era of ‘flexicurity’

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Comment changent les modes de régulation sectoriels

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Half a century of development theories: an institutionalist survey

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The institutional and Policy Weaknesses of the European Union: the Evolution of the ‘policy mix’


Benjamin Coriat, Pascal Petit, Geneviève Schmeder (Eds): The Hardship of Nations: Exploring the Paths of Modern Capitalism, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (UK), 2006, p. 161-187.



What is the future for codetermination and corporate governance in Germany?


in Jens Beckert, Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Anke Hassel, Philip Manow (Hg.), Transformationen des Kapitalismus. Festschrift für Wolfgang Streeck zum sechzigsten Geburtstag, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/New York, 2006, p. 135-157.

El estado social a la luz de las investigaciones regulacionistas recientes

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Les risques de la mondialisation financière justifient-ils un patriotisme économique

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Les risques de la mondialisation financière justifient-ils un patriotisme économique

L’économie politique, n° 31, Juillet 2006, p.19-30.

L’attrait du paradoxe scandinave

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