Revista de Economía y Estadística de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentine), sobre problemas estructurales del desarrollo y la innovación, Vol. 58, Núm. 1 (2020), p. 11-58.
Encuetros de Geopolítica y Economía Política Internacional en la Universidad Nacional de Moreno« , El rol de las finanzas en la reconstrucción de la pospandemia.MIERCOLES 11/11/2020(Argentina).
Présentation PowerPoint au Séminaire Cournot du 16 avril 2020
Un diálogo con Robert Boyer, Julieta A. Almada. Becaria doctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro
de Estudios Avanzados (Argentina) y Emilia Ormaechea. Becaria doctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto
de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales del Litoral (Argentina). ICONOS, Revista de Ciencias Sociales n° 65, Septiembre-Diciembre 2019, p. 223-230.
Presentacion powerpoint a la Primera Jornada de Economía, Colegio de Ingenieros de la Provincia de Buenos Aires el 3 de Mayo 2019
Presentation Powerpoint, prepared for the Conference “Current challenges and the future of monetary systems, central banking and financial architecture in Europe and Russia”
RUDN, Moscow, 15 April 2019
Présentation au séminaire « Las relaciones con Francia y Europa ante los desafios del desarrollo sostenible con igualdad en América Latina y el Caribe », Maison des Amériques, Jueves 6 de diciembre de 2018
Do Globalization, Deregulation and Financialization Imply a Convergence of Contemporary Capitalisms?
Discussion Paper Series 2018 #09: PAR · PUBLIÉ · MIS À JOUR
Distinctive political compromises prevailed and explained various brands of capitalism observed from WWII to the early 1990s. Is this key finding by régulation research been still valid given the wide diffusion of common structural changes since the 2000s: slow productivity in the industrialized world, overwhelming impact of finance, rise of inequalities within many Nation-States in response to deregulation, social and political polarization, open conflict between capitalism and democracy, the trading place between mature and emerging economies? These stylized facts challenge most economic theories but they can be explained by an institutionalist and historical approach that also helps in redesigning a relevant macroeconomic approach. Each capitalism brand displays specific complementarities among institutional forms and their growing interactions imply more their complementarity than their frontal competition. Consequently, all capitalisms have been transformed but they do not converge towards a canonical configuration. The rise of nationalist movements may challenge the present international relations but they should not underestimate the economic and social costs of their protectionist strategy.