Où va l’Union européenne? Sept scénarios pour l’avenir de l’Union européenne



L’économie politique, n° 61, janvier 2014, p. 54-67.

Euro Crisis and European Political Economy (the): France, Germany and Central Europe

Ed. by Robert Boyer, Ivan T. Berend, and Kumiko Haba, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, 2013.

Origins, Unfolding and Ways out of the Euro Crisis, The European union at the crossroads

in The Euro Crisis and European Political Economy: France, Germany and Central Europe, Ed. by Robert Boyer, Ivan T. Berend, and Kumiko Haba, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, 2013, p. 25-56.

Euro crisis (the): undetected by conventional economics, favoured by nationally focused polity

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Cambridge Journal of Economics, 37, 2013, 533–569.



Preliminary Draft


Overcoming the institutional mismatch of the Euro and EU

BOYERovercomingEU27062013short (5.8 MiB)

Présentation Power point au « 20th International Conference of Europeanists » : Crisis and Contingency: States of (In)stability, Amsterdam, The Netherlands • June 25-27, 2013

Institutional and Political Crisis of the European Union and Some Ways for Overcoming It (the)



Perspective on Europe, Vol. 43, n° 1, Spring 2013, p. 64-71

Overcoming the institutional mismatch of the Euro-Zone. Undetected by conventional economics, favoured by nationally focused politics, fuelled and then revealed by global finance,

9784894349001_PT01En Japonais, Fujiwara Shoten, Tokyo, February 2013.

La ausencia de una teoria alternativa pone en peligro las posibilidades de encontrar una salida a la crisis


Entrevista de Miguel Angel Jiménez Gonralez, Analisis Economico, n° 67, Vol. XXVIII, Primer cuatrimestre de 2013, p. 249-274.

Du traité de Rome au sommet européen du 9 decembre 2010

Laplacedu japonCov1



Bulletin de la Société Franco-Japonaise des Sciences Economiques, n ° 28 (2012) – en Japonais, p. 43-48







En Japonais

Distribution des compétences en Europe et théorie des biens publics

La Distribution Des Competences En Europe (658.7 KiB)

en Espagnol  Puente  :Reparticion de competencias en Europa y teoria de los bienes publicos. Una cuestion de actualidad, Publie dans Puente@Europa, El Bien Comun, Ano X, n° 2, Diciembre 2012, — p. 59-71.

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