Employment and decent work in the era of ‘flexicurity’

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Half a century of development theories: an institutionalist survey

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El estado social a la luz de las investigaciones regulacionistas recientes

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How and why capitalisms differ

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La crisis argentina pone a prueba las teorias economicas contemporaneas


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La croissance, début du siècle. De l’octet au gène




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  • En japonais :R・ボワイエ著『ニュー・エコノミーの研究―21世紀型経済成長とは何か』井上泰夫監訳、藤原書店、2007年) Editions fujiwara Tokyo, 2007

La théorie de la régulation. Les fondamentaux




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– En Japonais



– En Italien : Fordismo e postfordismo, Universita Bocconi editore, Milano, 2007.

–  En Espagnol : Crisis y regimines de crecimiento : una introduccion a la teoria de la regulation – Editorial Miño y Davila, Madrid, Buenos Aires, 2007.



–          En Coréen : Puriwa Ipari Publishing CO (puripari@hanmail.net), 2013.


The embedded innovation systems of Germany and Japan : Distinctive features and futures


in Yamamura Kozo, Streeck Wolfgang (eds) The End of Diversity ? Prospects for German and Japanese Capitalism, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 2003, p. 147-182.

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